Welcome to manage real sports car! Feel the power and dynamics! Enjoy the sound of the engine and speed! Gain skills to drive with front and rear-wheel drive.
Beginners start with Lada! It will exceed your expectations! When you achieve a good time, you will be able to try the Ford! The difference is total, everything. Lada is rear-wheel drive, Ford front. Accelerations and braking control are also major differences.
System timing is perfect! Is comparable to that of Formula 1. improve their times, learn to master the machine in turn, use the full capacity of the engine. With each lap the tire temperature rises and reaches the optimum in your fifth lap. Already getting to know the track and turns, you can now pursue better times. Time for drift!
Lada- 80BGN. 15min.
Ford- 100BGN. 15min.
Besides sports car, you can try and go-karts!
With our '
X-Day DRIFT' package you will be able to manage three machines in one day!
For more information, write an email!