
Post 23 April 2014 By In Relax after eXtreme

Everybody wants to be healthy!  And we have many ideas how to reach it – through good spirit and strong body.

First, we shall give you some brain exercises for positive thinking and kind attitude.

The second part of this amazing journey to the appreciation of life is in the air. Fresh and clear air!

Next step is deep inside yourself. We are full of water, yet our cells sometime screams for a drop of clear, fresh water. Give to your body what it needs! Deep into the hot mineral water spring, drink it and be happy!

The fourth important step is moving! Move around! Jump! Just do anything but MOVE!

The Energy will follow your mind... keep moving!

Do you sleep well? Yes! Super! Here we shall speak about dreams but we also will create them!

This is one third of our life! We have to think more about this - sleep in the right place, in the right position, sleep well and in full consciousness of what we are doing.

Next step is not so important but is very important for our kids! The feeding. Few rules:

Poisons out! (salt, sugar, white flour, chemicals)

Instead these elements- sea or stone salt, honey, cane sugar, etc.

Use more natural and fresh food.

Here in Bulgaria, in this small village, close to the mountains and rivers, close to the hot mineral springs and beautiful gardens you can feel like in Eden!

Each step has a lot of secrets. Follow your mind and use the power of the wish for good health to reach new horizons.

We wish you full success!

XBul team

Atanas  Koev



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  •   Vincent Sacau - Bordeaux, France
    Comment Link Vincent Sacau - Bordeaux, France 31 May 2014

    I really like the genuine Ivan Vazovo village,and I had a short but great time with Nasko, Naska and their lovely children. Thanks you very much for sharing with me your philosophy of life, It is rare and precious to meet people who practise the way of life they dream of. As Gandhi said, be the change you want in the world!

  •   Damian G Vienna, Austria
    Comment Link Damian G Vienna, Austria 14 August 2015

    Nasko is a great and jolly fellow - he is absolutely hospitable, patient and eager to teach and share good time. Ivan Vazovo and its surroundings are picturesque and there are hundreds of things to do around there. I strongly recommend Nasko and XBul - you won't regret it. Cheers!

    Visited June 2014

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